This live solo album, the fourth from Sleeping Giant Records, was released in 1992 on CD and cassette. The title, suggested by Carmen & Dick Gilman, answered the question: what do people say when they introduce you? "And now please welcome . . ."
After that it's up to you. You take all the songs you've written and learned in private, the ones you've taken on the road, then you stand on a stage, share them with an audience and ask them to take ownership of the songs by listening - or better yet, by singing along.
Released: 1985 (vinyl & cassette), 2001 (remastered CD) --17 traditional & original Adirondack songs, plus archival recordings of fiddler Cecil Butler -- from Dan Berggren and Friends. Recorded by Tony Distefano with assistance from Kathy Good, Brian Doser and Manny LaCarrubba.